
Posts Tagged ‘TED’

I had the great privilege of being asked to speak at TEDxUGA 2014. It was a full-circle experience for me, as I was a part of ODK on UGA’s campus just when it was getting involved with the early conversations around hosting a TEDx event on UGA’s campus. Then, in its inaugural year, I helped lead the TEDx student organization through a mission, vision, and values exercise, which was a blast.

This year, I got to deliver a talk that centered on the idea to which I have given my life over the past 2.5 years. I called it, “From TGIF to Living for Monday: A New Career Approach for a New Generation at Work.”

I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, I hope you’ll share it far and wide. My goal is to have this talk viewed 1,000,000 over its lifetime. As soon as it hits 100,000 views, I’ll get to work on Living for Monday the book.


If you’d like to offer feedback or words of encouragement, you can reach me at barrett@livingformonday.com.

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What are you so passionate about that you would stand up in front of the world and give a riveting presentation? What do you know so much about that the entire world would listen to what you have to say on the matter? Alternatively, about what do you have such a desire to learn that you would do an immense amount of research in order to give a TED talk?

You need to find that. So do I. We need more people who have found something they care about to such an extent that they just HAVE to tell the world. And then we need to encourage them to share with the rest of us.

So, what would your TED talk be? Please, do share!

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